Nicholas Hillman

Position title: Director of SSTAR Lab


Dr. Nicholas Hillman is an Associate Professor in the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s School of Education. His research focuses on the intersection of college access and finance, namely in the areas of student financial aid and state higher education finance. His research employs statistical analysis of large datasets and has been published in the field’s top academic journals including Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, American Educational Research Journal, and Education Finance and Policy. Dr. Hillman’s recent book (with Dr. Gary Orfield), Accountability and Opportunity in Higher Education: The Civil Rights Dimension, was published by Harvard Education Press. Dr. Hillman’s research has been recognized for excellence by the Association for the Study of Higher Education and the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators. He is the director of the SSTAR Lab, and is a faculty affiliate in the Center for Financial Security, La Follette School of Public Affairs, and Institute for Research on Poverty.

Nicholas Hillman Headshot