Between April and August, the planning team has prepared nine sessions. The sessions in April through mid-May are on Tuesdays, while the remaining sessions occur on Wednesdays. All sessions are two-to-three weeks apart.
The planning group and our guest speakers will assign homework for individuals and/or mentor-mentee pairs to complete between most sessions.
Session topics and locations may be subject to changes or updates.
Before our first in-person meeting on April 3, 2018, all participants should complete the Leadership@UW self-assessment. Additionally each mentor-mentee pair should meet to discuss and process the self-assessment results.
Introductory Meeting
Tuesday April 3, 2018 12:00noon to 12:45pm – 333 East Campus Mall #10302
What Makes a Leader (*)
Tuesday April 24, 2018 10:00am to 11:00am – Gordon Commons Ed Room
Executive Leadership (*)
Wednesday May 15, 2018 10:00am to 11:30am – Education Building, Wisconsin Idea Room
Student Life (*)
Wednesday May 30, 2018 10:00am to 11:30am – Memorial Union, Check TITU
State & Federal Relations (*)
Wednesday June 13, 2018 10:00am to 11:30am – Wisconsin Institute for Discovery
Community Relations & Outreach (*)
Wednesday June 27, 2018 10:00am to 12:00noon – Grainger Executive Dining Room
Transformational Leadership (*)
Wednesday July 11, 2018 10:00am to 12:00noon – Union South, Check TITU
Emotional Intelligence (*)
Wednesday August 1, 2018 10:00am to 12:00noon – Pyle Center Room 213
Conclusion & Partner Presentations
Wednesday August 15, 2018 10:00am to 12:00noon – Lathrop Hall, Virginia Harrison Parlor
Sessions with an (*) include a lunch afterwards for attendees.